Paul Poullard
As a career International Banker, Paul spent the bulk of his career with JP Morgan Chase and Texas Commerce Bank in Houston, Texas. During the course of his career with Chase he held numerous leadership positions focused on corporate and international banking, bank relations and trade finance. His numerous managerial assignments included General Manager of the Bank’s London Branch and Executive Vice President & Manger of International Banking for the Southwest Region, building the leading business of its kind in Texas and the Southwest.
Following his departure from JP Morgan Chase after 33 years, he assumed leadership responsibility for the international banking and trade finance business of a regional financial services company based in Tulsa, Oklahoma for a three year period.
A graduate of Lamar State College (now Lamar University) in Beaumont, Texas (B.A.-1970), Paul currently serves as an advisory director of the Asia Society Texas Center, and previously served on other boards including: The Institute of International Education, The World Trade Division of the Greater Houston Partnership, The World Affairs Council, the Japan America Society, and the Houston Area Urban League. Paul became an Advisory Director of Blades International, Inc. in 2013.